Sagging Floors

Signs of Foundation Failure

Sloping, uneven floors are a nuisance, but they may also indicate a more serious problem lurking underneath. And, as with other foundation issues, sagging floors typically get worse over time. Thankfully, Foundation Supportworks offers proven solutions with reliable warranties, all installed by dedicated professionals who know and understand home construction.

Are Your Floors Sagging?

Serious damage to your foundation can develop immediately following construction, or years later as changes occur within the soils that surround and support your home. Sagging, uneven floors aren't just unsightly - they can pose safety hazards to those living in the home.

Common Signs

Look for floors sloping, sometimes creating a gap between the floor and the interior walls of your home.

How did this happen?

When a crawl space is built, block or brick (heck, even sometimes wood) columns are located throughout the crawl space to support the weight of the structure above. If those columns are spaced too far apart, the beam or girder can become overloaded and sag between the columns. When the girder sags, so does the floor above it.

Improper Column Spacing

When a crawl space is built, block or brick (sometimes even wood) columns are located throughout the space to support the weight of the structure above. If those columns are spaced too far apart, the beam or girder spanning between the columns can become overloaded and sag. When the girder sags, so does the floor above it. The same can happen when floor joists span too far between support points.

Weakened Floor Joists and Girders

Because crawl spaces are often unsealed from the earth, wood exposed to moisture and humidity begins to rot, get moldy and weaken. The weakened girders and floor joists are unable to continue supporting the weight above, and the floor above the crawl space becomes bouncy, soft and may begin to sag.

Existing Column Settlement

Weak soil can cause the existing columns in the crawl space to sink or settle, often creating a gap between the top of the column and the bottom of the girder it was supporting. Once the column settles, the girder sags and the floors above sag. It's a chain reaction.

The Real Estate Seller Disclosure Act requires foundation repair needs to be disclosed to potential home buyers. Realtors tell us they are forced to discount homes with foundation structural defects 10-20% to make a sale. What is your home worth in today's market? Imagine losing that much money from your home's value by not permanently fixing your foundation!

Foundation & concrete problems don't get better with time, they get better with us.

Find a foundation repair or concrete company near you to fix them, so you can breathe easy and sleep well tonight. Our specialists will deliver the most precise and competitive foundation repair estimate available.

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